Art For Education

“Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent and independent, with a tremendous spirit of adventure, and a love of play.” - Henry Matisse

At Garden Gate, children are provided with "100 languages" through which to understand, communicate and learn. Among these languages are the verbal languages of conversation, storytelling and song; visual languages of writing, drawing, painting and sculpting; and physical languages of drama, movement, construction and play; among many more. In this way we are able to meet the needs of diverse learners to expand their learning and their expression in the classroom.

Children work along side teachers and artists in the studio, the classrooms and outdoors to use the languages of clay, paint, music, dance, pen, ink, wood, wire, natural materials and found objects to think more deeply, work out answers, and express their understanding.

Funding for the Art for Education program comes directly from our annual auction and from private donations and grants and supports artists' fees, professional artists materials for the children's use, materials for documenting this work, and professional development and resources for teachers in the Reggio Emilia approach.